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Media 1 for listing Male Dresswear Clothing Pack


Metahuman Dresswear Clothing (

Demo Video + Documentation

Dresswear Clothing Set designed for Metahuman skeleton type: Male Tal Normal and Male Medium Normal

Each Bodytype will get:

  • Torso: 3x Dresswear Suit Variations, 6x Dresswear Vest Variations, 4x Dresswear Buttonshirt Variations
  • Legs: 3x Dresswear Pants Variations
  • Feet: 1x Dresswear Shoe
  • Accessories: 1x Tie, 1x Bow Tie

This clothing set is modular and includes multiple material variations for each mesh.

The Metahumans shown in the images are NOT included.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format