Visual Novel Machinery is an Unreal Engine plugin made for Creators to allow them to focus on developing amazing stories without the need of coding.
This whole framework takes care of everything, so the only thing left for you to do is creating images and writing the story. Visual Novel Machinery takes care of the rest.
📺 Trailer: YouTube
📺 Tutorial Series: YouTube
📂 Blank Template C++: Click here to download
📂 Blank Template BP: Click here to download
📂 Example Project: Click here to download
📂 Example Project Source C++: Click here to download
📂 Example Project Source BP: Click here to download
💬 Support Discord: Click here to join
Full node-based dialog (text and choices)
Get Player Text Input
Beta: Support for loading/unloading 3D scenes
Beta: Support for rolling back dialog
Support for playing background music/sound effects/voice overs
Support for displaying CGs
Support for displaying CGs in a gallery
Support for displaying scene background images
Support for displaying character (2D/3D)
Support got renaming characters
Support for displaying different emotions (images/3D animations) for character
Image layering system, so you can add different layers to scene backgrounds/CGs/2D characters on the fly
Save file system that also saves member variables of the currently active dialog
Persistent data save file system
Customized blueprint editor for dialog blueprints which also supports all nodes found in normal blueprints
Character/Scene memory system (save variables for a specific character/scene and access them later on)
Beta: Choice/Dialog Scenes Graph Widgets, to display the user what paths are available in your visual novel
Beta: Support for YarnSpinner. Import .yarn files and convert them directly to dialog blueprints
Beta: VNMScript, a scripting language that also allows you to write your dialogs in a text editor and import it to Unreal Engine
Included formats
- versions