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Media 1 for listing RTX RayTracing easy global settings tweaker


NOTE: since UE5.4, some Ray Tracing options have been deprecated and/or removed from the Engine itself.

For Ray Tracing setup, you usually need to change every light from Static to Stationary or Movable, change its Source Radius, modify its Samples per Pixel value, etc. The same with the Sun, the Sky... In addition, you need to place a PostProcess Volume and modify other values aswell.

With this Blueprint you will be able to globally change all those values, by kind of light, or applying it to the whole world, modifying with only one click all lights and postprocess settings at once, and even light components inside other blueprints (simply adding the tag 'RTX' to your lighting blueprints). Very usefull to unify and homogenize rays densities, soft shadows, mobility type of lights... of a whole scene in a few seconds and with a very few clics.

Demo video overviewing the settings and some possible combinations:

Demo packaged project (made with an older version of the tool):

Forum thread (feel free to post any comment or doubt):

Please, rate it after using! Enjoy!

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format