MultiWorld is a runtime plugin to manage multiple independent UWorld instances simultaneously. You can run several worlds in parallel, each one with completely isolated actors and components (and so with independent graphics, audio, physics, collisions, UI, etc), with the option to transfer the player and other actors between the worlds.
The plugin is compatible with all the major platforms.
Main features
unlimited number of independent "Secondary Worlds";
any standard UE5 Level/UMAP is compatible as-is with the plugin;
the standard UE5 network-replication for multi-player games is supported on the Main World (Secondary Worlds are not replicated);
the local player can be moved between Worlds (supporting also customizable visual transition effects - see video);
actors can be transferred between Worlds;
Worlds can be independently ticked, also when not shown in the viewport;
asynchronous loading of Level/UMAP files;
all the features are available from both Blueprints and C++.
IMPORTANT The plugin has some technical constraints, please read about them carefully before purchase.
This Plugin is licensed "per-user", according to the Fab End User License Agreement. This means that one license must be purchased for each user working on a project that utilizes the Plugin. You can find detailed information here: https://docs.unamedia.com/ue-plugin-per-user-license . For relevant purchase orders, please contact us.
Premium Support & Customizations
For enterprises that run mission critical workloads, require fast response times, increased operational efficiencies, or specific customizations, we can provide Premium Support services. Please contact us.
Our other plugins
Check the complete list of our products for Unreal Engine in our UNAmedia Profile. You can find plugins to log your game events to Google Analytics, plugins to work with Mixamo animations and much more.
Included formats
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