An UE4 plugin written entirely in C++ which adds support for a simple Camera Lock On / Targeting system. It was first developed and tested in Blueprints, and then converted and rewritten into a C++ module and plugin.
- Customizable with a set of options that can be overridden in Blueprints.
- Easy setup: only one Actor component to attach and a minimum of one functions to bind to input.
- Target closest enemy (Pawns by default, customizable with TargetableActors UPROPERTY).
- Break on Line of Sight when getting behind an object.
- Break Target when getting outside minimum distance to enable.
- Simple TargetLockedOn Widget included, can be customized / overridden.
- Option to control character rotation when locked on.
- Switch to new target with axis input (on mouse / gamepad axis movement).
- Two Blueprint implementable events on component on Target Locked On and Off.
- 100% open source for anyone to compile from the source code repository
Added in 1.3.0 (for Engine version 5.1)
- Update example map to use Enhanced Input bindings
Added in 1.27.0 (for Engine version 4.26 / 4.27 / 5.0)
- Added support for Local multiplayer Split Screen
Added in 1.26.0 (for Engine version 4.26)
Several small quality of life updates and minor tweaks (thanks to @josator)
- Flag to allow Pitch input while targeting (look up/down).
- Collision channel as UPROPERTY configurable in editor
- StartRotating set to < 1.0 to allow usage with controller sticks
- UFUNCTION to detect target system status on blueprint
- Added Test Map within Plugins Content folder.
- Lowered PitchDistanceOffset value to have a slightly better view at close range by default
- Set ShouldControlRotation to false by default
Documentation: Code repository / Setup and Installation
Releases and Changelog: https://github.com/mklabs/ue4-targetsystemplugin/releases
Support: Discord Server
- versions