商品 Microphone Voice Recognization 的媒体 1


If you want a plugin that does speech recognition Across Platforms, this is for you. The main function is to read the voice data of the Microphone, and then you can get the size of its volume. Of course, you can also further develop the sound wave information based on this. I implemented the same functionality on different platforms. The voice recognition function is implemented on the Windows platform, Android platform, IOS platform, and PS4 platform. IOS platform development is written in object-c language, and PS4 platform development uses Sony's development API. You can use this plug-in to implement some interactive functions controlled by sound, which can be used anywhere you want. My sample project map shows the use of sound to control the strength of the wind. Remember to set Voice Parameter in Configuration file.


  • 虚幻引擎格式的徽标