You can easily customize numerous options
and easily assemble your own beautiful projectile through various creative combinations and adjustments!
This asset pack has been carefully curated
and is a high quality pack that includes demo levels
with examples for Fire, Darkness, Ice, Void, Milky Way and Rock.
Includes 24 Niagara System effects, each with a variety of independent personalities.
- Main FX(Core)
- Ejection FX
- Trail FX
- Hit FX
The direction of all projectiles is not fixed toward one axis,
but is made to point forward in the direction the camera is currently looking at,
so the projectiles will not flip even if fired in any of the X, Y, and Z directions.
This asset pack includes some sounds and actor systems for an example map.
Contains an automatic projectile launcher actor, and a projectile provider actor.
This asset will continuously receive incremental updates, optimizations, and additional effects. As a result, there may be slight price increases over time.
Another list of assets from this artist.
Partnership store special product link
Aucodings store(Sound artist)
Absolute Steam VFX: Cinematic Smoke
Advanced Outline System[REPLICATED]
For inquiries about joining the partnership, please send an email to [email protected].
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