商品 Alice Material Tool 的媒体 1


Alice Material Tool is an engine editor toolkit designed to expedite the process of material creation and modification.

It provides three editor tools along with their corresponding blueprint nodes. Users can utilize these tools either through the editor interface or directly call the same functionality through blueprints.

  • Merge Textures Tool: The Merge Textures tool is used to combine up to four different Texture2D texture channels into a new Texture2D texture asset.

  • Advanced Create Material: The Advanced Create Material tool is used to automatically create a material instance asset from selected multiple textures.

  • Advanced Replace Parent: Advanced Replace Parent is used to systematically replace the parent material of material instances while preserving the parameter settings of the instances as much as possible.

Documentation(Github): https://github.com/Helooooooooo/AliceMaterialToolDocument

Documentation(ZhiHu): https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/702799508


  •  Three editor tools designed to expedite the process of material creation or modification.

  •  Blueprint nodes implemented to achieve the same functionality as the tools.

  •  Customizable tool presets.

  • Automatically remembering the user's previous tool settings to enhance usability and convenience.


  • 虚幻引擎格式的徽标