English:Showcase / Documentation / Tutorials
- Are you frustrated that there is no batch renaming tool?
- Are you upset that the bulk renaming tool doesn't have a preview feature?
- Are you upset that the bulk renaming tool doesn't have a rollback feature?
- Are you frustrated that the bulk renaming tool doesn't have a custom rule feature?
- Support add, replace, insert
- Support preview new characters, rollback according to history
- Support custom renaming rules using the Blueprint interface class
- Numeric characters can be converted to a customized format, such as A1 to A01, A_01, A001, and A_001
- Supports fast and efficient batch operations (faster than other renaming plugins)
- The script can be placed in the background to run, will not take up too much of your computer performance, and other work can be parallel
- Suitable for all developers
- Support the right menu to open the panel according to the shortcut keys
- World level asset renaming will be supported in the future
- You can right-click selected assets to perform additional operations, such as deleting them from the list, finding the target asset directory, and opening the asset, etc
- 2023.10.21 - UE5.3 - Add Element Numberic Trigger (Convert A123, A321, A213 to A_1, A_2, A_3)
- 2023.10.10 - Fix the crash issue when opening
- versions