商品 Genesis Asset Rename V1.1 的媒体 1


中文:演示 / 文档 / 教程

English:Showcase / Documentation / Tutorials

  • Are you frustrated that there is no batch renaming tool?
  • Are you upset that the bulk renaming tool doesn't have a preview feature?
  • Are you upset that the bulk renaming tool doesn't have a rollback feature?
  • Are you frustrated that the bulk renaming tool doesn't have a custom rule feature?


  1. Support add, replace, insert
  2. Support preview new characters, rollback according to history
  3. Support custom renaming rules using the Blueprint interface class
  4. Numeric characters can be converted to a customized format, such as A1 to A01, A_01, A001, and A_001


  1. Supports fast and efficient batch operations (faster than other renaming plugins)
  2. The script can be placed in the background to run, will not take up too much of your computer performance, and other work can be parallel


  1. Suitable for all developers
  2. Support the right menu to open the panel according to the shortcut keys


  1. World level asset renaming will be supported in the future
  2. You can right-click selected assets to perform additional operations, such as deleting them from the list, finding the target asset directory, and opening the asset, etc


  • 2023.10.21 - UE5.3 - Add Element Numberic Trigger (Convert A123, A321, A213 to A_1, A_2, A_3)
  • 2023.10.10 - Fix the crash issue when opening


  • 虚幻引擎格式的徽标
