商品 Creature MocapAnimPack 的媒体 1


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oQUhRhRwfA

Video How To retarget Animation Packs from UE4 to UE5: https://youtu.be/jpVjnnVQ6dA

This is a pack with lots of creature animations (81 animations in fbx format). Here is everything you need for most common situations in the game. It consists of the following sets:

1) Creature_Style01 (big, clumsy)

2) Creature_Style02 (small, abrupt)

3) Humanoid (prey)

Each of styles (01, 02) has the set of idle, locomotion, melee, hit, death and other animations. The full list of animations is available in the pictures in the gallery.


  • 虚幻引擎格式的徽标