商品 Realistic Aerial VDB Explosions for Cinematics. 的媒体 1


10 Realistic Aerial VDB Explosions for Your Cinematics!

>>> Video Demonstration <<<


  •  10 Premade VDB Simulations.
  • Ready to be dropped in your Level or Sequencer.
  • High-quality simulations, 500–1000 million voxels.
  • Customizable material for VDB is included.
  • Density control
  • Emission control
  • Fire color shift control
  • Temperature control
  • Smoke color control
  • Scattering control
  • Smoke density control
  • Emissive tint control

IMPORTANT: To see the full quality, set the "Streaming Mip Bias" in Heterogeneous Volume to 0, but be aware that it may affect your performance.

VDB`s Total Size: 15GB. 

To be able to see explosions in Path Tracing in UE5.3 use this console command: r.PathTracing.HeterogeneousVolumes 1

If your explosions are disappearing on a far distance use this console command: r.HeterogeneousVolumes.MaxTraceDistance 10000000


  • All explosion parameters are controlled from material instances in folders AE_1, AE_2, ... etc.
  • There are two of my presets in each folder with Explosion: one for Lumen, "MI_AE" and one for Path Tracing, "MI_AE_Path_Tracing" , but you can modify both setups to your liking.
  • You can use the material included in material folder "M_VDB" or use the Unreal Engine 5 default material. (See the tutorials below.)
  • All explosions can be slowed down, speeded up, or scaled.



How to Add Simulations to Your Level or Sequence.

How to use Unreal Engine 5 default material.

How to set up Path Tracing rendering of VDB.

More Useful console commands for Heterogeneous Volumes (VDB):

  • r.HeterogeneousVolumes.OrthoGrid (default = 1)

Enables the world-space voxel grid.

  • r.HeterogeneousVolumes.OrthoGrid.MaxBottomLevelMemoryInMegabytes (default = 128)

Determines the memory limit (in megabytes) for each bottom-level voxel grid used for voxelization (emission, extinction, and albedo). The recommended cinematic default is 512.

  • r.HeterogeneousVolumes.OrthoGrid.ShadingRate ([default = 4)

Determines the active shading rate of the world-space voxel grid, where the value roughly corresponds to pixel width. Lower shading rates create a higher-quality tessellation, but require more memory. The recommended cinematic default is 1.

  • r.HeterogeneousVolumes.FrustumGrid (default = 1)

Enables the frustum-aligned voxel grid.

  • r.HeterogeneousVolumes.FrustumGrid.MaxBottomLevelMemoryInMegabytes (default = 128)

Determines the memory limit (in megabytes) for each bottom-level voxel grid used for voxelization (emission, extinction, and albedo). The recommended cinematic default is 512.

  • r.HeterogeneousVolumes.FrustumGrid.ShadingRate (default = 4)

Determines the active shading rate of the frustum-aligned voxel grid, where the value roughly corresponds to pixel width. Lower shading rates create a higher-quality tessellation, but require more memory. The recommended cinematic default is 1.

  • r.HeterogeneousVolumes.FrustumGrid.DepthSliceCount (default = 512)

Determines the number of depth slices of the frustum-aligned voxel grid, when rendered with a shading rate of 1. Rendering with a shading rate of 2 will correspond to emitting a Depth Slice Count of 256. The recommended cinematic default is 512/1024.

  • r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Tessellation.FarPlaneAutoTransition (default = 1)

Truncates the far-plane of the frustum-aligned grid when the voxel size of the frustum-aligned voxel grid corresponds to the voxel size of the world-space voxel grid.


  • 虚幻引擎格式的徽标