商品 Medical center 的媒体 1


Medical center project. The medical center is divided into four main areas.

1 Reception

2 Dentistry room, beauty room, massage room, ophthalmologist's room, photolmologist's operating room, treatment room.

3 X-ray department, operating room, resuscitation room, anesthesia room.

4 Department of Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The project includes medical equipment anesthesia machine, anesthesia system, angiographs, artificial lung ventilation apparatus, autonograph, autorefractometers, bed, biometers, bod warmer, cosmetic harvester, defibrillator, dental unit, heart beat system, medical aspirator, medical display, monitor, monitoring system, MRI, PC, phoropter, portable x-ray, printer, sterilize, surgical lamp, surgical microscope, surgical table, surgical x-ray, surgical x-ray. Medical instruments. Medical furniture and other small items.

All inventions, photos and arts were realized from a free source https://unsplash.com/

Link to video https://youtu.be/3Cmsur-NIXw


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