商品 Medieval Guard Knight Modular 的媒体 1


  • update- added 3 body textures(color), fixed minor bugs

  • Modular character, by combining elements you can get a lot of characters, you can also change the colors of clothes and textures on clothes(cuirasses), which will give even more variety as for NPCs

  • 3 heads and 3 color textures, can be swapped

  • 52 face blendshapes for facial animation, should work with arkit

  • on some clothes, there is a fabric simulation, and a two-sided shader

  • some things are not compatible (hat and hood, the fabric on the neck can pass through the shoulder pads), for example, and so on

  • Modular

head - 3

hand (short,long)

Arm armor - 3

cloth (cuirasses) - 5

belts - 4 (small-2, big -2,different textures)

sleeves - 2 (chainmail,fabric)

skirt - 2 (fabric,chainmail)

elbow armor - 3

knee armor - 7

leg armor - 2 variations

shoulder armor 3 + 3 with cruises

thight armor - 2

hat -2

helmet 11 (some with a visor in different modifications,open - close)

neck armor - 6

pants -3

shoes -3

pants-shoes together - 1

bag - 4

gloves - 5



  • 虚幻引擎格式的徽标
  • Unity格式的徽标