商品 Generic Radial Menus v2.0 - Selection Wheels and Pie Menus 的媒体 1



Version 2.0 Notes:

  • 15 new radial textures (for a total of 19)
  • Custom input! Feed your own input into the menus for extra versatility. Any Vector2D works, so go crazy!
  • New material system - customize look and color of your menu in editor

Multimenu sample in action: https://youtu.be/OEedq1nQi-U

Simple weapon selection in action: https://youtu.be/Hyv_Sdu6YPg

Many modern console and PC games use radial menus to give their users a fast, fluid and dynamic experience. The goal of Generic Radial Menus is to give you the power to add the same to your project with as little hassle as possible. That way you can focus on making the systems you care about. Whether you're adding an emote selector, a build menu or even just a simple weapon selection menu, this system gets out of your way and let's you do what's most important: making the actual game. Adding widgets to the menu is the same as with any layout box. You create your widget, call a single function and the radial menu will handle the rest.

Getting started tutorials are here!

Feel free to ask any questions on the Discord!

Like that last screenshot? Check out Worlds of the Future here: https://moonmengames.com/


  • 虚幻引擎格式的徽标