Update 1: https://youtu.be/qgVoF1d9Hi0
Video: https://youtu.be/SYJPEFmiGpk
Ready-To-Go stylized knife animations!
Integrate a melee combat system into your next FPS/TPS with this detailed animation set.
Includes 13 animations total, crafted with care and attention to every element.
Also included is one combat knife mesh with supporting animations to coincide with the arms. Combat knife feature six 4K resolution textures, making it easy to quickly swap visual skins.
Blueprints are setup to demonstrate the ease of which this asset can be integrated into your current project.
A complete and working Animation Blueprint has been compiled with all animations for quick setup!
Update 1:
Added 4 new animations (12 including transitions).
Added 5 new sound effects. Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com.
Added 1 new Blendspace.
- versions