商品 Fight MocapAnimPack 的媒体 1


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2m_iGJV1CM

Video How To retarget Animation Packs from UE4 to UE5: https://youtu.be/jpVjnnVQ6dA

Overall the pack contains 189 animations (fbx format).

(51 Root Motion animations and 138 In-place animations)

This pack contains four Fight Styles:

1) Fight Style01 (gentleman)

2) Fight Style02 (aggressive)

3) Fight Style03 (power/sport)

4) Fight Style04 (lady)

Each of these styles contains the following animation sets:

  • IdleSet
  • PunchSet
  • HitSet
  • DodgeSet
  • BlockSet
  • FallSet


  • 虚幻引擎格式的徽标