White theme jewelry store, including interior environment and store front entrance
The scene uses lighting maps and screen space reflection, need to support global clip plane for Planar Reflections
The scene uses SSAO and DFAO. It is necessary to turn on the generate of mesh distance field and turn off the screen space global illumination.
Finished demo map with baked lighting
If you have any questions, please contact me by email first:[email protected],because epic will not send message notifications to sellers.
Old Question from unreal marketplace:
2024 9.16
Q: Hi, this looks amazing. But it seems like there are no more levels just the ground floor? Exterior says there are more levels. More pictures of upper levels would be good. Because i want to use this for a housing, with more levels with stairs etc. Is this possible?
A: I'm very sorry to tell you that the jewelry store only has a lobby on the first floor, and the south and north doors are retained. You can try to delete the ceiling and make a staircase to create a second floor. Others: The door on the roof of the third floor is merged with the house. You can't open the door on the roof. The whole building is a merged model.Due to the stupid restrictions of epic, I can't add pictures larger than 23mb on the upload page, so here are some pictures from other angles https://mega.nz/file/wu0nCJ7A#6aOxcSIdYr5HtHZx4b4hcpBXAWpF4UlWtpkuQnAv70g
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