商品 M5 VFX RPG1. Sword Trails(Niagara) 的媒体 1


Trailers(1080p) : https://vimeo.com/243789589

Trailer & Guide: Vimeo / Youtube

M5 VFX RPG1. Sword Trails includes SwordTrails stylized as the first asset for RPG games.

It includes more than 50 set trails.

With a variety of ready-made textures and materials, you can easily create from simple shapes to luxurious shapes.

Create your own trail and apply it to character attacks.

It can also be used on mobile.

* Niagara Trails is available in Unreal Engine 5.

Blog http://fxrnd.tistory.com


~update ver 1.05 Removed level warning message in UE 5.5 (converted staticmesh in level to moveable)

~update ver 1.02 updated

added Niagara. ( check M5VFX_RPG_NiagaraTrails.umap, M5VFX_RPG_SwordTrails_Guide.umap )


  • 虚幻引擎格式的徽标