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Overview Video 📷 a Comprehensive walk-through of the asset
Made by 🎮 BillyTee at Fortuna
Documentation 📜 a Written out Guide on how to use the asset
The Fortuna Compass & Minimap System (FCS) is aimed at giving developers an easy way to add a customizable Compass System to their project as well as an easy to use Minimap System. The system has various preset styles with nearly endless different combinations of designs. PSD Files are also included for you to make your own styles (Via Discord)
- Customizable Compass System
- Customizable Minimap System
- Preset Styles for Compass, Center Piece, and Background
- Waypoints with customizable icons
- Option to display waypoints in world space
- Option to display waypoints in Minimap
- Waypoints Scale with Player Distance
- Waypoints Rotate with Player Rotation
- Included PSD Files to create your own styles if the included presets are not enough
- Notification System
- 3D Menu System
- Attributes System
- Ultimate Menu System
- Popup System COMING SOON
- Charts System COMING SOON
- Crosshair System COMING SOON
- Interaction System COMING SOON
- World Map System COMING SOON
- UI Tweaks and Accessories Pack COMING SOON
- Object Outline System COMING SOON
- Farming System COMING SOON
- Interactive Foliage COMING SOON
- Survival Attributes V2 COMING SOON
- Extended Function Library
- Widget Additions Library COMING SOON
- City Builder Game Template COMING SOON
- Zombie Survival Game Template COMING SOON
- Ultimate Survival Game Template COMING SOON
- versions