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Media 1 for listing Niagara Point Cloud Renderer for Azure Kinect


This plugin accesses the Azure Kinect Depth Camera and renders the data as a colored live 3D Point Cloud in Real-Time without any prerequisites. The plugin functionality can be accessed via Blueprint nodes.

The rendering is done via a Niagara particle system, thus allowing for further modification such as advanced coloring, distortion, effects, etc. The point count can be set by the user and allows for point clouds with more than a million points, rendering at high framerates.

The plugin will be extended with more functionality in the future.

Please note the example project! (plugin required)
A basic tutorial can be found here:
For more information and troubleshooting of possible compilation errors, have a look in the manual located in the plugin's Docs folder or via this link

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format