R1Tools OpenXR VR Animation Toolkit is a set of integrations to record full-body motion capture using OpenXR with Vive Trackers within the game engine to animate characters inside your scenes.-Documentation-
Record full body motion capture in Play Mode in the Unity Editor to animate characters inside your scene and save those animations as Unity .anim files to be used in your title. This tool is for the Unity Editor only for recording animation in the Unity Editor.
R1Tools uses Unity's built-in Mecanim for basic IK in Unity but if you own FinalIK VRIK you can use the VRIK Integration for improved IK customisation!
Works with all OpenXR supported headsets - e.g. HTC Vive, Oculus Quest 2, Valve Index, Windows Mixed Reality.
Works with OpenXR Hardware tracker devices such as HTC Vive Ultimate trackers, regular HTC Vive Trackers: Gen 1-3, Tundra Trackers, Pico Trackers.
This tool has been used in the production of various VR titles such as Metaverse Adventures - Into the Metaverse
Can be used without Vive trackers using only headset and controllers if you don't own Vive trackers for head + hands animation.
Simple to set up and re-use
OpenXR support for Vive Trackers and tracked controllers + headset
Recorded Animations are saved as unity native .anim files
Animate full-body characters within your game in engine to line up animations with props
Supports Mecanim and FinalIK VRIK
Unity Editor Only
Works with any number of trackers
Supports OpenXR for future/past device compatibility
Works with all SteamVR tracked headsets + with/without Vive trackers
Can work with non-SteamVR headsets (such as Oculus/Meta) with Vive trackers using common workarounds (see Readme)
Create realistic animated character animations for your Metaverse/XR experiences and games!
Included formats
- versions