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Media 1 for listing Punk Rock Clothing (Metahuman clothing)


Punk Rock Clothing for Metahuman

Demo video:

How to add custom clothes for MetaHuman:

MetaHuman avatars are not included.

This set of clothes is perfect for both your game and cinematics!

Included in the package:

  1. Female jacket

  2. Female leggings

  3. Female shorts

  4. Female TShirt

  5. Female shoes

  6. Female choker

  7. Male jacket

  8. Male pant

  9. Male TShirt

  10. Male belt

  11. Male shoes

  12. Male hand strap

Plugins used:

  • RigLogic

  • LiveLink

  • LiveLinkControlRig

  • AppleARKitFaceSupport

  • HairStrands

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format