Trailer: https://youtu.be/OxTiEZyyhVk
Demo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qodTaOaGnp9eCQp8vidgp3TG6ZAIOfVv/view?usp=drive_link
Documentation/Setup Guide: https://documentation.cillo.com.au/sightperceptionupgrade
Setup in three steps!
Add more control to your AI by using AI Sight Perception Upgrade Day/Night/Shadows.
Adds a detection percentage that is adjusted according to:
Are there objects in the way?
Is the sun darker than usual?
Is the player standing under a light?
Is the player in the shadows?
How close is the player?
2 Components - Master and a Slave
1 Light Blueprint
1 Light Component
1 Editor Utility (Light Setup)
Demo Scene
Detects Multiple parts of a skeletal mesh and also test them for shadows.
Detection System: A percentage system to indicate how likely it is that the AI has seen the player.
Shadow Detection: Shadows will lower the detection rating.
Sun intensity: Sun brightness will effect how well the AI can see.
Light detection: Using our blueprint or light component you can have the AI respond to Players standing next to or under lights.
Update #1:
Added Spotlight and Rect Lights to the Cillo Light Blueprint
Added a light converter and Light Collision Updater (Light Setup Blueprint)
Added Light Collision Component to add to any actor
Added support for the spotlight and rect lights to the light collision component
Exposed the bone name of the AI so users can change where the AI 'scans' From
Added a Player Detection modifier to the Players slave component to allow for camouflage or a harder difficulty
Added a Player detection modifier to the Light Component to allow detection adjustments in the scene
Added a Function, to the Cillo Light BP and Light Collision Component, that's turns the light off and on.
Update #2
Setup Global Detection Multipliers for Sunlight, Shadows and Lights.
Tweaked AI visibility to use proper Peripheral vision angles
Fixed minimum 80% detection bug
Fix spotlight early detection bug
Tweaked Shadows detection to be more stable
Created a HUD to show off the Detection modifiers
Created a demo download
Included formats
- versions