This is a package of 355 sound effects that can be used to animate machinery, robots, gadgets, buttons, and more across various game genres.
Mechanical_Button 61
Mechanical_Button_Analong 9
Mechanical_Button_Metal 10
Mechanical_Button_Pull_Push 36
Mechanical_Button_Spring_Bounce 4
Mechanical_Button_Switch 29
Mechanical_Click 11
Mechanical_Click_Loop 11
Mechanical_Gadget_Movement 25
Mechanical_Plastic_Pop 4
Mechanical_Rattle_Movement 23
Mechanical_Scrape 10
Mechanical_Stop_Variation 3
Mechanical_Variation_Heavy 5
Mechanical_Variation_Mini 49
Mechanical_Variation_Spring_Bounce 29
Mechanical_Variations 16
※ Copyright Notice!
This asset package is safe from copyright claims and warnings on YouTube. You are free to use this product as you wish, including for commercial projects, without any issues.
Included formats
- versions