A collection of 1,000 general sound effects (1.10 GB; 2+ hours)! All of the sounds are formatted at 44.1kHz 16-bit stereo WAV files and are compatible with the Universal Category System (UCS).
This asset is also included in the heavily discounted 44.1 General Library (Full Bundle) (get 4+ volumes for FREE!)
What's included?
- 100+ Seamless Loops
- Ambiences: Amusement Park, Calm Street
- Airplanes
- Birds: Chicks, Owls, Seagulls
- Cardboard
- Cartoon: Violin Plucks, Ruler Twangs
- Clocks: Antique, Cuckoo
- Finger Snaps
- Footsteps: Gravel, Wood, Woodchips
- Hail
- Rain
- Rollercoasters
- Thunder
- Wind
- Many, many more! (See the sound list below)
Audio Preview (SoundCloud)
Full Sound List (PDF)
Note: The audio preview has a different name, but is for the same asset. The title change is solely to comply with the Epic Marketplace audio file requirements.