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Media 1 for listing BRUNNER 6DOF Motion Platform Interface


The BRUNNER 6DOF Motion Platform Interface is a code plugin and easy to integrate in your unreal application. It allows you to connect to a a BRUNNER 6DOF Motion Platform and send the motion data via UDP packages. A unique motion cueing algorithm is already included in the motion platform. In addition, you can read and display the current state of the platform and are able to construct the training envelope around your simulation. 


The plugin is easy to integrate into any vehicle simulation such as jet fighters, airliner, helicopters, racing/rally cars, heavy (armoured) vehicles, mining vehicle, trucks, drones, eVtol, ships and so on…


All relevant functions and properties are exposed, so that you can use it from a Blueprint.

An example/demo project will be submitted later and will bring you the understanding of how to integrate the platform and what to expect during the operation.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format