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Media 1 for listing Stylized Pine Trees


This beautiful pack with stylized pine trees is perfect for any stylized project, is flexible and offers a big variety of colors so you can make almost any scene. It looks good from any perspective, third person, first person, top down, etc.

YouTube Presentation

Product Info:

  • 33 pine trees, 8 of them with flowers, 2 small and 1 pine trunk without leaves.
  • 3 bushes, 1 normal bush and 2 with flowers.
  • 3 butterfly trees, which is a tree with "butterfly-like" leaves.
  • 1 flower tree, which is a tree with just flowers and no leaves.
  • 2 plants.
  • 1 flower.
  • 1 grass.
  • 6 different leaves textures, and each of them has multiple color variations.
  • 2 different bark textures, both are seamless and hand painted.
  • Black and White textures for each leaf and bark so that you have more freedom on changing colors.
  • You can also freely change the color of the grass.
  • 2 flower textures, 1 texture with 4 normal flowers, 1 texture with 12 larger flowers.
  • 4 different resolutions for all the textures (4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024, 512x512). Each resolution has its own folder and have the same name for easy replacement.


  • Both the normal and large flower textures of my Stylized Flowers and Plants Pack are compatible with everything that uses flower textures in this pack (8 Pine trees, 2 bushes, 1 flower mesh, 1 plant and 1 flower tree).


  • There are 6 pine trees that have "cross leaves" and "halve-cross leaves" that might not look that good with some of the textures.
  • The scene of the pictures does not follow in the pack because it was a very simple presentation using a cylinder as platform and the UE sky. The reason it was left outside is because in order to make the presentation in different themes there were some duplicated materials and meshes that would be unnecessary to have in the final product.

For any questions or more info that you might need contact me at: [email protected]

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format