This project recreates the visual style of classic gaming from the 90's it adds the limitations of the times with affine texture mapping, vertex snapping, dithering, and much more. It includes other classic features such as tank controls billboard materials, speech system, simple physics doors, example particle emitters and even fixed camera BP.
This project contains example models and characters and animations to get you started, check the playable demo to see everything included in this pack.
Playable DemoFeatures:
Affine Texture Mapping
Vertex Snapping
Outline (Post Process Volume)
Dithering (Post Process volume)
Speech System (Speech Bubble And Audio Controlled Mouth Swapping)
Blinking System (Uses 1 blink texture)
Billboard Material (Floating And Grounded)
Flipbook Material
Particle Effects (Smoke,Water,Fire)
Footstep System (Concrete,Wood,Carpet,Metal)
Fixed Camera BP (Static And Following)
Physics Door BP
Example Map (Showcases what's possible using all features in a playable game like environment)
Over 42 static meshes (Varied amount of objects to help get you started with your first project)
6 unique Characters and animations (Varied character models rigged to a simplified version of the default skeleton, includes animations to get you started with character movement and more)
Tank Controls
Number of Blueprints: 5
Number of Materials: 5 master materials
Number of Unique Meshes: 42 static 6 skeletal
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Documentation: Documentation
Important/Additional Notes:
1. All music included in the radio example is public domain and comes from this website : Link
2. I own the right to distribute the included assets/textures.
Included formats
- versions