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New plugin! Gameplay Tag Select (Web Story)

Official plugin page (Landing page)

Introduces two new gameplay tag-based select nodes that are capable of automatically generating wildcard options from a tag's descendants:

Has Tag Select and Matches Tag Select.

✔️ Has Tag Select takes a Gameplay Tag Container and returns the first option that resides inside that container.

✔️ Matches Tag Select takes a single Gameplay Tag and returns the first option that matches.

Both nodes can toggle whether tags should match exactly or partially.

Maintenance benefit 🚀

✔️ You no longer need to chain Select and HasTag/MatchesTag nodes.

⚡ If you're generating all your options from a root tag, you can conveniently extend the gameplay tag hierarchy and get notified when a new version of the node is available. It won't unexpectedly add the missing pins.

Additional notes
  • Version 4.27 also works in 4.26, but the marketplace only supports specifying the latest 3 engine versions.


  • v1.0.2 - Minor changes + Display a note that a newer version of a node is available (instead of immediately adding the new options as pins). This makes 'default' more usable.
  • v1.0 - First release

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format