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Media 1 for listing Old Factory Modular


A modular factory. Realistic scale. Includes.

  • Each material comes with PBR 4096x PBR textures including Albedo, Normal, Opacity mask for glasses, emission for lights and ARM mask texture (ao, rough, metal).
  • Blueprints with examples included for building the scene fast.
  • Lights come with 2 materials in total for the 3 objects, metal and bulb. Metal comes with 2 sets of textures for a total of 6 different lights. Emission and opacity textures included.
  • You can also use any of your seamless textures for wall and floor materials.
  • Modular stairs with railings (also broken). 2 different texture sets. 22 meshes.
  • 3 pedant industrial lights.
  • 2 containers, also with openable doors versions.
  • 6 industrial machines.
  • 6 substations and control panels.
  • 40 decals: broken walls, cobwebs, leaks, puddles, oil puddles, stones, dirt...
  • 26 pieces of wood and cords: planks, beams and broken pieces.
  • 2 doors, small and big one.
  • 2 industrial vents and 3 vent wall panels. 2 different texture sets.
  • 31 walls, ramps, columns and roof pieces (metal roof support and metallic roof comes 2 different texture sets).
  • 11 debris meshes: bricks (2 different texture sets.), stones and construction debris.
  • 4 air duct pieces. 2 different texture sets.
  • configurable main colors for substations, lights, containers and industrial machines. Color tint for all.
  • Walls come with mask for dirt and for paints (red line in the pictures).
  • Configurable material: tint, saturation, contrast, intensity, tiling, dirt, mask....


Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format