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Media 1 for listing MutantRabbit


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*Background maps not included*

-Character has Epic skeleton (Image skeleton preview included)

-4 skin.

-Inst Mat color blending for each skin

-Inst Mat color blending for fur and accessories

-36 animation included

-2 types animations (walks/crawls)

Attack - 8

Walk - 5 (F, L, R, B) (F2)

Run - 1

Turn180 = 1

Idle - 5

GetHit - 5

Death - 2

Rage - 1

Jump - 3

LooksOut - 2

ScreamsAndHides - 2

ToSneak - 1

additive bones: JawL, JawR, Eye_l, Eye_r, Eye_l1, Eye_r1

ear_r_SecondHead 1-8

ear_l_SecondHead 1-8

ear_l 1-8

ear_r 1-8


Triangles: 83 325

Vertices: 67 434

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format