Any skeletal or static mesh can be printed with this Scifi 3d Printer.
(see the video in the link below for a better explanation. You will find two video, the first with a simple mesh, and the second with a complex one with many materials)
- Create an actor, add your skeletal or static mesh, assign a pose to you skeletal mesh if you want
- Edit the mesh materials or make a copy
- Add the material function as shown in the video
- Create material instances of the used materials, enable 3d printable parameter.
- If the material is opaque, override it to masked in the instance
- In the actor, add the BP_3dPrintable component, call Init Printable on the Event Begin with the mesh you want to print
- Select the BP_3dPrintable component in the actor, and assign to the Materials variable the materials created befor, in the same order they appear in the original mesh.
- Done. To test it, drag into the scene the BP_3dPrinter and select your actor in the PrintTest variable
For support:
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