The pack contains a collection of well organized files
- 6 diamonds (5 textures - 30 variations overall)
- 4 stars (5 textures - 20 variations overall)
- Heart (6 shapes and 5 textures - 30 variations overall )
- Coins and coins with gem (silver and gold)
- Heap of coins and gems (2 versions)
- Keys (silver and gold)
- Books (4 versions)
- Boxes (3 versions)
- Locks (silver and gold)
- Chests (3 versions)
- Bomb (2 shapes)
- Lightning
- Magnet
- Potion
- Shield
- Arrows
- Bag
- Crown (2 models)
- Envelope
- Flag (2 textures)
- Gear
- Giftbox (3 textures)
- Golden Bars
- Letter
- Money
- Question and Exclamation Marks
- Sand Clock
- Skull (2 models)
- Sword
- +-XP
- Signs "+ - x V"
- Backpack
- Barrel
- Basket
- Bomb3
- Boxes with signs
- Brush
- Calendar
- CheckBox
- Cloud
- Compass
- Cup
- ExclamationMark
- QuestionMark
- Forbidding_Sign
- Hammer
- HardHat
- House
- Lamp
- Locks (3 versions)
- Loudspeaker
- Magnifier
- Map
- Medal
- Note
- Pencil
- Pick
- Plant
- Rocket
- Safe
- Screw
- Shank
- SherifStar
- Shovel
- Target
- TNT (2 versions)
- TrafficCone
- TrashCan
포함된 포맷
- versions