Cyberballs, The MIMIC:
Evolutions of cyberballs continues with new humanoid form. this time Cyberballs mimics life around them. as they saw mostly humans around them, they acts as humanoid.
Asset comes with epic skeleton of UE4 and can be used as character, minion, companion, enemy or even decoration of sci fi interiors. also have big potential for robotic-puzzle games.
Whats new in v 1.5 Update:
- Added new skeletal mesh with less bone/ball amount. for better performance.
new SKM is more bold/solid looks than old one. Some balls resized, recolated.and some of balls are removed.
- Added new Static mesh: single ball
- Added new BP/Feature: Magnitar
- Added GUI: relax rate bar for feedback (works with new bp)
- Added new Niagara build and TPS blueprint for new SKM
- Old and New SKM's both have retargetted to Default mannequin.
- Old asset Prefixes updated to proper ones.
- Materials for ball and electric got MPCs to control with BPs.
- Added ball rotator feature for new SKMs blueprint. select character and check the "pre game settings". (uses control rig and control rig plugin comes enabled)
New keys in v1.5
"R" for enabling ball rotator
"G" to explode
"1" for Toggle Ball magnetism
"2" and "3" for increase or decrease magnetic power.
"Tab" for time dilation or Hold "Left ALT"
"X" for enable-disable electric
"Page up-Page down" for hue change of electric
"Q" for toggle emissions
"E" for character change between old and new ones
Asset pack contains:
- 2 SKM
- 5 BP
- 1 Static mesh
- 4 skins
- 1 advanced material with emission effects
- Electric FX with Niagara
- Magnitar BP/Object.
- 3 mannequin anim for pre-explode movements
CyberBalls are small individual balls that shares (or creates) a collective AI. This upper mind is also recognizes itself as a big ball (so predictable). together, They can roll as big ball or can relax their magnetic connections and can move as individuals. But sometimes, they are forming different shapes than a big ball. like humanoid forms or animal like shapes. in all of those cases they are very useful for many things. from assassinations to espionage they can do many different tasks. Also they can be a good helpful companion or a terrible hacker-parasite for other robot.
important to know:
- previews are rendered in Unreal Engine 5.
- physics are different in UE5 because of physics engine change. please see: PhysX and Chaos Physics Systems: https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/unreal-engine-5-migration-guide/
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