AI Enemy Component, save time with this actor component to create a simple AI (Range or Melee). Everything inside the asset is made with blueprints and you can adapt them to your project according to what you need as long as you know how to do it and without breaking anything important. By default the component works in this way:
1- The character will move randomly in the map by default 800 in range.
2- If the character see a target (ally attack enemy and enemy attack ally, and null undetectable ) the character will chase his target and when in range will attack repeating the action if possible, if lose target sight the character will move randomly again.
Presentation : youtu.be/LvVT_DSun08
Imput: Input Backup 2023-10-03 132940.ini
Tutorial youtu.be/xzzqct1hUDY
2 Tutorial https://youtu.be/Lc6bgJif5q0
Last Update https://youtu.be/Ggo70V9YZfY
Example : Example.rar
Tutorial Donwload: TutorialAIComponent.rar
See all video Tutorial
It is important to understand that all blueprints work together
The component just work with Blueprint Characters.
1 AIEnemyComponent (Actor Component)
1 BP_Projectile (Actor Blueprint)
2 Structures
4 Enum
1 Ai_ControlerEnemy (Detour Crowd AI Controler )
1 BP_LibraryComp (BP Function library)
5 Task AI Blueprint
2 Services Blueprint
3 Character Examples 2 melee 1 range
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