VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLlGGU00WHg
VIDEO UPDATE 1.2: https://youtu.be/NbqaFKJgv5E
Video How To retarget Animation Packs from UE4 to UE5: https://youtu.be/jpVjnnVQ6dA
This is a mega pack with lots of rifle animations (300+ animations in fbx format). It will provide you with 95 percent of rifle animations needed for your game. Here is everything you need for most common situations in the game. It consists of the following sets:
1) Rifle_01_Style
2) Rifle_02_Style
3) Rifle_03_Style
4) Rifle_Crouch_Style
5) Rifle_Patrol_Style
6) Rifle_PickUp_Set
7) Rifle_TakeHide_Set
8) Rifle_Transitions_Set
9) Rifle_Melee_Set
10) Rifle_Shooting_Set
11) Rifle_Reloading_Set
12) Rifle_AimOffsets
In reload and shooting sets the animations are presented on four different types of weapons that are most used in gamedev:
- winchester
- automatic
- shotgun
- double barrel.
Each of styles (01, 02, 03 and crouch) has the full set of locomotion, dodge, stun, hit, death and many other animations. The full list of animations is available in the pictures in the gallery.
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