Videos: click | ALS | TPWCS2 + IDS
Discord Server: click
Presentation Demo: click | ALS
Documentation: click
Feature overview: clickALS Update: UE5 ALS Project can now be downloaded. Check the Discord server for instructions.
TPWCS can now be used with ALS (4.27+): Showcase | Tutorial | Demo
V2.2.0 Update:
- added ALS support (4.27+)
V2.1.0 Update:
- added Hearing sense (AI will detect gun shots, explosions)
- added weapon mesh anims support
The system has been rebuilt from ground up using Actor Components and Data Tables.
As the result the system should be compatible with any characters (default UE Character class) without dependency on the previous version's BP_Character class.
The system is now as easy to use as adding these components to your actors and setting up input and collision channels.
List of components in V2 and their use:
- Weapon Component (UE Character class or any actor with some custom work)
- Melee Component (UE Character class)
- Health Component (UE Character class)
- Ragdoll Component (UE Character class)
- Lock On Component (UE Character class - for the Player)
- AI Detection Component (UE AI Controller class)
- TPWCS Manager Component (UE Game Mode class)
More information about V2:
- BPs now have sets of Event Dispatchers for further customization of the system.
- BPs now use new inheritance model: (Base class: only variables and function definitions -> Master class: core logic -> Child class actually used)
- components like player camera or ragdoll capsule that are not available by default in the Character class should be marked using tags
- the system loads only what is currently needed (clean references and async loading)
- weapons are created by editing the weapon data table now
- possibility to create different fighting styles using the melee data tables (multiple fighting styles for the same weapon)
- all animations are also stored in data tables (possibility to use different animations for different characters)
- the damage system has been rebuilt and now uses Damage Type classes (it uses default UE damage events only now)
- visual and sound effects are now spawned through the TPWCS Manager component and can have a max range they can spawn at
- Niagara particles support added
- Anim BP has been greatly simplified and uses interfaces to communicate with the rest of the system
- Lock On system redone from scratch
- all gameplay useful functions are contained in a function library
- the system also communicates through that function library
- all features that modify the UE Character class are also stored in a function library (no need to figure out which component does what)
- improved AI system
- +lots of small improvements of the whole system
포함된 포맷
- versions