The renders was made in the Unreal Engine.
JEREMY is high quality character. Great for Action adventure, shooter and Any games that need awesome lead character.
You can customise Jeremy and build your own character.
JEREMY and his Gun can be used both in 3rd or first person games.
Gun is rigged and included into package.
Character is fully rigged and works with animation packages from mixamo and unreal marketplace.
Facial rig based with joints.
The removable Details:
+ Shirt
+ Hair
+ Backpack
+ Gloves
+ Batteries
+ Holster
+ Little Holster Bag
+ Gun Holster
+ Waist Bags
+ Pants Bags
+ 4K Textures
+ 6 Color Variations
+ 11 Removable Details
+ SSS Shader
+ Gun Included.
Basic Animations Included
More characters in same style comes soon!
Pose produced for promotion is not included.
Additional bones:
Face bones: HeadTop_End, Jaw, Jaw_End, Eye_R, Brow2_R, Brow1_L, EyeLid_Up_L, Brow1_R, Brow2_L, EyeLid_Up_R, EyeLid_Down_R, EyeLid_Down_L, Eye_L, Cheek_R, Mouth_Up_L, NoseR, MouthCorner_R,
Nose_L, MouthCorner_L, Mouth_Up_R, Cheek_L, Mouth_Down_R, Mouth_Down_L
Assets in demo video not included into this package and available on marketplace.
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