The Microsoft OpenXR plugin contains a set of OpenXR extensions unlocking mixed reality-specific features from Microsoft. If you're developing an experience targeting OpenXR for HoloLens 2 or Windows Mixed Reality VR headsets, you'll need this plugin to access the following features:
- Spatial mapping
- Scene Understanding (requires 4.27.1+)
- Spatial anchors
- Holographic remoting
- Voice input
- Hand mesh
- System keyboard
- Camera
- QR code tracking
- Azure Spatial Anchors
- Secondary View Configuration (requires 4.26.2+)
- Azure Object Anchors (requires plugin version 1.1.11+)
Instructions for adding the Microsoft OpenXR plugin to your project can be found in the README of the plugin's GitHub repo. The GitHub repo also contains source code for the plugin, a sample HoloLens 2 project built for OpenXR, and a place to file any issues/feedback.
All plugin features are accessible through both Blueprints and C++. For documentation on how to access these features, visit Microsoft's Mixed Reality documentation.
Note: This plugin works alongside the built-in OpenXR plugins in Unreal Engine 4.26, which provide functionality for eye tracking, hand joint tracking, and hand gesture and controller input action mapping. Enabling the Microsoft OpenXR plugin in your project will automatically enable the built-in plugins required for an OpenXR experience to run on HoloLens 2: OpenXR, OpenXREyeTracker, OpenXRHandTracking, OpenXRMsftHandInteraction, XRVisualization, and HoloLens.
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