The SHADERSOURCE - Texture Tools plugin provides 7 tools for texture modification to reduce the need to hop between Unreal Engine and 2D graphics editors such as Photoshop. The tools provided are:
Modify Texture | Blend Texture | Normal From Height | Channel Packer | Insert Alpha Mask | Texture Filters | Texture Noise
A lot of these tools are common needs for creating materials, especially for landscapes. See the information below for more detailed descriptions.
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Modify Texture:
Tile your textures
Rotate, Scale
Flip Vertically, Horizontally
Shift Texture UV
Contrast, with preserve color
Invert Color, Color Overlay
Opacity Power, Multiply and Floor
Blend Texture: (Similar to the blending settings in standard photo editing software)
Blend Types (Add, Multiply, Divide, Overlay, Angle Corrected Normals, Color Burn, Color Dodge, Darken, Difference, Exclusion, Hard Light, Lighten, Linear Burn, Linear Dodge, Linear Light, Pin Light, Screen, Soft Light.
Normal From Height: (Generate normals from your height maps or diffuse maps)
Select which RGBA channel to convert to a normal map
UV Offset, Normal Strength
Channel Packer: (Pack your mask textures into one singular texture)
Full functioning texture packer with RGBA input slots
Choose which RGBA channel to input per texture
Insert Alpha Mask:
Quickly insert an alpha mask into your texture
Texture Filters: (Similar to the filter settings in standard photo editing software)
9 Filters included: Simple Blur, Spiral Blur, Motion Blur, Chromatic Shift, Sharpen, Pixelate, Edge Detection, Toon, Toon with Edge Detection
Texture Noise: (Ability to generate Noise Textures)
6 Noise generators included: Simplex, Gradient Texture, Fast Gradient Texture, Gradient Computational, Value, Voronoi
Can change Scale, Z offset, Filter Width, Noise Output Min/Max, Levels, and Quality for Voronoi
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