![出品First Person Character Controller [C++]のメディア1](https://media.fab.com/image_previews/gallery_images/8a581e68-e751-41bd-aecf-6e90d1c15928/49e78836-6fa6-43fb-ab06-387f78a0bc37.jpg)
A basic first person character controller with head-bobbing and custom footstep sounds. This can also be extended and derived to add your own functionality to the class.
Tutorial video: https://youtu.be/26Lx_RYR_Y8
Demo video: https://youtu.be/QkWM0fh8sJM
Support Discord Server: https://discord.gg/jVw7YAr
UPDATE v1.2 - 1/04/2020----------------------------------------
- Fix an issue where the game would crash while walking on BSP brushes when Footsteps were enabled
- Fix an issue where the game would crash because of an empty footstep mapping that was given to the list
- versions