This is a Topdown/RTS Camera (CameraBase) which is created with the unreal engine. You will also get a Example Character (CharacterBase), a super small HUD Class (HUDBase) to select one or multiple Characters, as well as a PlayerController (ControllerBase) Class.
There is also a CharacterSelectionIcon Class, and a Widget created and linked to the CameraBase. Finally there is a small example map.
To see a preview video please check Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEvKYroF2Qg
For Installation check the Documentation: https://github.com/SilvanTeufel/TopDownRTSCamLib_ReadMe
2.1.0 - Video
- Added a Statemachine and second Controller Class.
- Live Switch to Third Person Camera possible.
- Bug fixed: Rotating while locked to Character: Cam will move with Character
- Minor Fixes.
2.1.1 -
- Added Enhanced Keyboard Inputs
3.0.0 - Available Now:
- Big Camera - Rework
Or check the Documentation:
CTRL + E ---- Rotate Cam Right (works also when Cam is locked to Character)
CTRL + Q --- Rotate Cam Left (works also when Cam is locked to Character)
CTRL + Left Mouse Click ---- Move Cam to Mouse Position
CTRL + W ---- Zoom Cam In
CTRL + S ---- Zoom Cam Out
CTRL + G ---- Lock Cam on Character
CTRL + T ---- Third Person Mode
CTRL + W, A, S, D ---- Move Camera
CTRL + HOLD SPACE ---- Fast Zoom Out to Position
CTRL + SPACE + Left Mouse --- Move Cam to Mouse Position
Mouse to Screen Edges ---- Move Cam to Mouse Position
Right Click when Character Selected ---- Move Character
Shift + Right Click when Char. Sel. ---- Move Character through Waypoints
Press G when Character Selected ---- Lock Camera on Character
If TopDownRTSCamLib is installed, the Classes can be used as Parent Class in Blueprint, so all functions from this Class are available in Blueprint.
Just use one of the Following Classes as Parent Class and or just choose them in your GameMode Blueprint. Category = TopDownRTSCamLib
Parentclasses are:
- CameraBase
- HUDBase
- PlayerController
- ControllerBase
- CameraControllerBase
- SelectedCharacterIcon
- CharacterBase
A List of BlueprintCallable Classes and Properties are in the Documentation. A List of Editanywhere properties are in the Documentation as well.
- versions