Documentation Link: https://spiffy-wire-8c8.notion.site/1-Object-Pool-Manager-11c17310d38480c79013c63a88e6e25e?pvs=4
Example Project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15bhAsQ3hiNxT3rfOHxkEHY7sBEHWI2zB/view?usp=sharing
Exe Demo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GLqSEOes-7l-On6vPxbPm2VixK0d7mPN/view?usp=sharing
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What is the use of object pools in game design? Why use object pools?
Object pools help reuse frequently occurring objects instead of creating and destroying them every time.
Creating and destroying objects, such as projectiles or explosions, can be slow and, if done frequently, can cause problems such as slowdowns or lags in the game.
Object pool managers mitigate these problems by maintaining object pools. Instead of creating and destroying objects all the time, the pool manager keeps these objects for reuse. This strategy improves the smoothness of the game.
This plugin implements a fully usable object pool system that supports AnyObject/Actor/UserWidget and is very simple to use. It is extremely fast, carefully implemented to minimize overhead, and uses interfaces to manage object generation and destruction events, and can be used out of the box for existing projects.
此插件实现了一个完全可用的对象池系统,支持 任意Object/Actor/UserWidget,使用起来非常简单。它速度极快,精心实现,尽可能减少开销,并使用接口来管理对象的生成与销毁事件,对现有项目也开箱即用。
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