Model Preview: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RYRdzW
Movie: https://youtu.be/d6EJVV2rh_4
This pack contains Go tables, boards, Go stones and Goke. Also includes Japanese room & props for environments.
- Go tables: 3 different colors (brown, white, yellow), 3 sizes (Line types - 9, 13, 15, 17, 19)
- Go boards: 3 different colors (Line types - 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19)
- Go Stones: 3 materials (High grade stones Nachiguro-ishi(Black) and Hamaguri(White), Resin, Color), 3 sizes
- Mini 4 Lines Go boards, Wooden Go Stones
- Black Go Sheet(9 Lines by 19 Lines), and Color Go Stones (3 sizes)
- Goke (stone container): 5 different colors
- Tatami: 3 different colors (default, green, yellow)
- Japanese room table
- Japanese room chair: 2 types
- Japanese room (Washitu): 2 types
- Room props - Ceiling Light, Spotlight, Shoji, Slide Door(Fusuma)
- Hanging Scroll (Kakejiku)
- Vase
- Cushion (Zabuton): 2 different colors
- Armrest: 2 types
Tables, and boards materials have two wood patterns (crown cut, quarter cut).
ver1.1 : Added 9 by 9 Go Tables.
- versions