出品CineLens Model Set:  ARR1Z3155 M4st3r SETのメディア1


CineLens SPHERICAL ARR1Z3155 M4st3r  SET is a collection of lens objects that use verified real-world data from VFX.

These can attach to any CineCamera in Unreal.

These contain basic lens models, including iris and distance mapping to lens pulls as well as dynamic distortion mapped to focus distance.

Vignette has NOT yet been implemented, though possible at a future date.


The result reacts more like a real world lens.

As you get to the upper limits of distance, it falls off exponentially, as you’d expect.

In a physical lens, when focus is pulled, the glass moves thru the housing.

You can see this reflected in the distortion and the vignette of a wide lens as it’s pulled:


Longer lenses also show this, though more the effect is more subtle.


This helps give the lenses a sense of “life” that mimics its real world counterpart.

Some lenses only require a handful of maps, while many others can require over 40+.

How to switch lenses using lens objects in UE5:


Required plugins:

  • Camera Calibration (this also automatically enables the following)
  • Python Editor Script Plugin
  • Sequencer Scripting
  • Takes Recorder
  • Live Link
  • Composure
  • Media Framework Utilities
  • Media IO Framework
  • HDRI Backdrop (for Demo Map)

ARR1Z3155 M4st3r SET of 16x lenses :

(Names greeked to balance copyright concerns with need to reference specific physical data.)

  • 012mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 156mm
  • 014mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 016mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 018mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 021mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 025mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 027mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 032mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 035mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 040mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 050mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 065mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 075mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 100mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 135mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 114mm
  • 150mm (sensor: 23.7mm x 17.82mm) focus ring diam.: 134mm

Created from VFX production grid shots, solved in 3DE converted to raw distortion values.

Raw values should give much better performance than STmaps.

Also saves over 55GB worth of 32-bit EXRs for this set.


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ
