出品Meta Body Customization Toolのメディア1


Full Metahuman Customization System Here

Disclaimer: The Metahumans featured in product images are

not included.

Meta-Body-Tool allows you to seamlessly modify your Unreal Engine character’s body in real-time without external applications like Blender or Maya, or cumbersome plugins and morph targets. This innovative, blueprint-based tool leverages your existing character's bone structure allowing you to manipulate its shape together with clothing through bone translation and scaling in the character Animation Blueprint.

The Meta-Body-Tool is primarily designed for UE5's Epic skeleton and Metahuman skeletons; it can also be adapted to characters with different bone structures. Meta-Body-Tool Modifies characters through widget blueprint sliders as seen in the screenshots section, by increasing or reducing the sliders you can change the shape of the character’s body. Changes you make to the sliders are automatically saved in real time.

Tutorial Part 1: Video Overview, Adding Meta body tool to a metahuman and Mannequin

Tutorial Part 2: Adding the tool to a none UE Mannequin based skeleton.

Tutorial Part 3.1: Using Save Slots to customize Multiple Characters

Tutorial Part 3.2: Using Meta-body-tool with sequencer

Tutorial Part 4: How to disable idle animation

UE5.4 Tutorial Tutorial Part 5: Setting up the tool with UE5.4 (auto retargeter)

Updated documentation


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ