An Auto Adjusting Camera Component - Add an automatically adjusting third person player camera to your character in minutes!
The Auto Adjusting Camera Component is an actor component that automatically rotates the players camera towards the direction of movement and predicts the players movement direction to rotate the players camera to look towards the direction of movement. This helps lessen the need of player camera input.
The component also automatically adjust the players spring arm component length based on their movement velocity, as well as under certain situations such as; if there is an object above them or if they are falling.
- Smooth Spring Arm adjustment based on different character velocities under different circumstances including when falling, crouched or when stationary.
- Predictive camera that looks ahead of player movement.
- Auto Camera Rotation based on player left and right movement.
- Focus zoom with toggle for switching shoulders.
- Auto Focus camera triggers on level objects.
All camera options can be customized; parameters can be set on the component to enable and disable options or alter how the camera behaves.
Gamepad Supported
Blueprints are commented.
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