出品Mocap - Christmas Animation Libraryのメディア1


A collection of 63 christmas motion capture animations (Body + Fingers) ready for Unreal Engine (UE5 Skeletons, Loops, RootMotion/InPlace). All animations have been recorded and polished for use in cinematics (NOT intended for state machines), although there are many with loop and rootmotion.


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A_C_F_Hug_02 Daughter hugs her father when she returns home for Christmas.

A_C_F_IceSkating_02 Woman ice skating is helped by her boyfriend.

A_C_F_KissMistletoe_01 Woman avoids a kiss under the mistletoe.

A_C_F_ListenCarol Sitting woman listen Christmas carols.

A_C_F_PlayNativity_02 Girl plays Virgin Mary role in a school play.

A_C_F_WalkCold Woman walks cold in the middle of the snow.

A_C_F_WalkLaugh_02 Woman walks arm in arm with her boyfriend.

A_C_F_WalkPresents Woman walks with Christmas shoppings and stops at a Christmas market stall.

A_C_M_BuildToy Elf with a hammer builds a toy for Christmas.

A_C_M_CarrySon_01 Father takes his son on his shoulders to put up the Christmas star.

A_C_M_CarrySon_02 Child is carried by his father to put the Christmas star on the top of the tree.

A_C_M_CatchSanta_01 Child moves stealthily to catch Santa Claus while he is putting the presents under the tree.

A_C_M_CatchSanta_02 Sleepy child with teddy bear in hand goes to see why there is noise in the living room.

A_C_M_ClimbDownChimney Santa Claus on the roof, throws sacks down the chimney and then goes in himself.

A_C_M_DecorateHouse Man/Woman puts Christmas lights outside his house.

A_C_M_DecorateTree_01 Man/Woman decorates Christmas tree by hanging balls.

A_C_M_DecorateTree_02 Man/Woman decorates Christmas tree with Christmas garland.

A_C_M_DrinkChocolate Child drinks cup of hot chocolate in front of the fireplace.

A_C_M_DrinkLaugh_01 Man drinks and laughs at family Christmas dinner.

A_C_M_DrinkLaugh_02 Man drinks and laughs at family Christmas dinner.

A_C_M_GetWarm Shivering man tries to warm up in front of the fireplace.

A_C_M_GivePresent Man/Woman gives a present to another.

A_C_M_Hug_01 Father hugs her daughter when she returns home for Christmas.

A_C_M_IceSkating_01 Boyfriend helps his girlfriend ice skate.

A_C_M_IDLEShiver Man/Woman shivers.

A_C_M_JumpBed Excited child jumps on his parent's bed to wake them up on Christmas morning.

A_C_M_KissMistletoe_02 The man under the mistletoe tries to kiss a girl.

A_CM_LaughSanta Santa Claus laughing holding his belly

A_C_M_LeavePresent Santa Claus leaves a present under the Christmas tree.

A_C_M_MakeCookies Man/Woman stirs cookie dough in a bowl.

A_C_M_MakeGingerHouse Man/Woman makes a gingerbread house.

A_C_M_MakeSnowAngel Man/Woman makes snow angel.

A_C_M_MakeSnowman Child makes a snowman.

A_C_M_OpenPresent_01 Child opens a present and is excited about it.

A_C_M_OpenPresent_02 Child opens present and cries disappointed.

A_C_M_PickUpChild Father carries sleeping child from the sofa.

A_C_M_PlayDolls Child plays with two dolls.

A_C_M_PlayNativity_01 Boy plays the role of Saint Joseph in a school play.

A_C_M_PlayTambourine Child plays the tambourine.

A_C_M_PlayTrain Child plays on the floor with a little train.

A_C_M_PointStar Child points to a shooting star and makes a wish.

A_C_M_ReadList Elf reads list of good and bad children to Santa Claus.

A_C_M_ReceivePresent Man/Woman receives gift.

A_C_M_RideReindeerSled Santa Claus rides reindeer sleigh.

A_C_M_RideSled Child rides a sleigh.

A_C_M_SaluteParade Man/Woman on a parade float salutes the children.

A_C_M_ShakePresent Man/Woman shakes present.

A_C_M_ShakeSnowBall Child shakes snowball.

A_C_M_SingCarols Child sings a Christmas carol.

A_C_M_SitSantaKnees_01 Child sitting on Santa's knee tells him the presents he wants for Christmas.

A_C_M_SitSantaKnees_02 Santa Claus listens to the wishes of a child sitting on his lap.

A_C_M_StirUpFire Man/Woman Shake the fire to fan it.

A_C_M_TakeOutCookies Man/Woman takes Christmas cookies out of the oven.

A_C_M_TellStory Elderly man sitting in armchair tells Christmas story to children sitting on the floor.

A_C_M_ThrowCandies Father throws candies into the socks hanging from the fireplace.

A_C_M_ThrowSnowball_01 Child throws snowball in a snowball fight.

A_C_M_ThrowSnowball_02 Child throws prepared snowball.

A_C_M_Toast Man/Woman toasts at Christmas party.

A_C_M_WalkLaugh_01 Man walks arm in arm with his girlfriend.

A_C_M_WalkSack Santa Claus walks on the roof with a sack full of presents.

A_C_M_WatchLights Man/Woman watches the city's Christmas lights turn on and applauds.

A_C_M_WrapPresent Man/Woman wraps present with a bow.

A_C_M_WriteLetter Child writes Christmas letter to Santa Claus.

We hope you enjoy the pack and if you have any question/queries please contact us :

Email : [email protected]


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ