




The AlienWheat project is a mixture of photogrammetry assets and UE modeling.

It is designed as a prototype template for building alien environments with craters, stones, rocks, plants and other features. There are several simple PCG templates to show what is possible. Feel free to change the settings and create your own assets.

In the MainLevel called „LevelSelector“ is a simple playable „MoonLandscapePacour“ around a lake like shown in the video. You have to add ThirdPersonContent to the project (ContentBrowser-Add Feature or ContentPack-ThirdPersonTemplate ).

Around the lake are „LightCairns“ for orientation  - The Levels itselve are seperated in Mainlevel (LevelSelector), Lighting- and EnvironmentLevels. In the LevelSelector-Level you can enable or disable, lock and unlock other Levels.

AlienWheat is the first part of the „Alien Trilogy“ which consists of:

·         AlienWheat      (this project)

·         AlienPlant

·         AlienTree

Included in this project:


AssetZoo: 1; LevelSelector: 1 (MAINLEVEL); Lighting Levels: 3; Environment Levels 2; PCG ShowCase Levels: 5

StaticMeshes: 50+

Rocks, Stones, Wheat, Flowers, Plants

Materials/Instances: 25+

Textures: 30+

VertexCount: 200k-500

LOD:     0-3

SpeedTree asset: 1 ( materials, textures, wind included)   


PCG BlueprintActors: 6; PCG Graphs: 6; PCG Libraries: 5

SpeedTree asset: 1 ( materials, textures, wind included) 


You have to enable PCG (ProceduralContentGenerationFramework) in the UE Plugins.


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ