

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viAfCyJ60Sw&feature=youtu.be

ProAI is based on the AI character and a powerful Spawn Manager System. You place a AI character on the map and setup values in the AI setup. The AI setup contains everything you need to make different types of AI. These are only a few:

- Guard at place - Guard around home location - Guard and follow a path - Pet with 6 Pet Actions

ProAI is also extremely customizable!

- setup 1 agro range for enemy detection around the AI.

- Hear and Sight perception for detection too (AIPerception).

- The AI can be configured to chase the enemy if attacked.

- There is a chase stop mechanic

- A low health trigger.

- short and long ranged weapon support

- There is a dynamic path system integrated into ProAI.

PROAI is 100% multiplayer written for dedicated / networked games and also for single player. On Rep Notify replicated variables are used to properly replicate state changes from server to clients.

Spawn Manager:

The powerful part of the Spawn Manager is the grouping mode! You can group managers together, so you can use one manager of the group as master to control all other managers of the group. This method allows you to make different types of spawning events.

Grouped AI with Boss and Army functionality:

You be able to Group AI with Boss AI and Slaved AI!

Also it is possible to build a Army with one General and slaved AI as Soldiers. All this is possible trough AI setup into the AI characters.


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ